Software/Hardware Solutions for Scientific Applications

Lytnev Labs offers customized solutions for scientific research. We design data collecting equipment, customized data collecting and processing software.

PinnaclePCX Instrument Photo  

Pickering Laboratories, Ltd.

Engineered control software for a new product - Derivatization Instrument PinnaclePCX.

We took project through all development stages - from prototype to first release.

Project implemented using Borland C/C++, VCL, APRO package (serial and network communications). Software uses DDE interface to talk to other applications.

PCX5200 photo  

Pickering Laboratories, Ltd.

Engineered control software for existing product - Derivatization Instrument PCX5200.

We took project through all development stages - from prototype to first release, user manual, documentation.

Project implemented using Visual C/C++, MFC, ActiveX component MSCOMM32.OCX (serial communications). Software uses DDE interface to talk to other applications.

Field office  

Polar Geophysical Institute, Russian Academy of Science

We designed and developed a system for registering the data, received from red laser, placed on 60 km from town. Photo sensor received the data from high atmosphere (50-80 mi). The system was based on Motorola 6800 processor and CAMAC bus for additional custom built modules. Software was developed with C, ASSEMBLY and FORTRAN, RTOS. Took part in designing and manufacturing of custom-built modules.

We designed and developed a system for registering and processing the data, received from big radio frequency radar, placed on 120 km from town. Radar received the data from high atmosphere (50-100 mi). The system was based on Motorola 6800 processor and CAMAC bus for additional custom built modules. Software was developed with C, ASSEMBLY, FORTRAN, RTOS. Here you will find short review of the lab.


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